Take a look at this outstanding review we received from Sports Product Review about our Sideline Shelter. They have highlighted our exciting program which will enable organizations to own their own Shelter at little or NO cost! Contact us for more information on our proprietary system.
The wait is over! Our Rage Cage Club SX goals are now in stock and available to ship anywhere in North America. The Club SX is the premiere high school and college-level goal, easy to set up and break down it is portable and extremely simple to store. If you've been hoping to get your hands on one, you can order here!
Wow, that week went fast! Well, here's to a nice, slooooow, weekend with lots of college and pro football, baseball, and, most importantly, tons of outdoor activities while the weather is still beautiful. Don't miss a chance to take a hike, toss the ball with your son or daughter, (or kick it) hit the beach for a swim or something else to get your heart pumping and your mind refreshed. Upstart Sports wishes you a "sporting good" weekend!
Want to improve your swing and become a better hitter? Are you worried about making your high school team, or are you in a youth league and trying to improve? Here are five basic tips that can have you sending line-drives into gaps and opposite-field homeruns over the fence:
The Sideline Shelter is a must-have for all lacrosse, soccer and field hockey programs. Our new shelter comes with a full panel of wind screens which provide many functions. First and foremost, they make the shelter less susceptible to gusts of wind that could cause the shelter to move and do damage to it. The airflow also means more comfort on a hot day. Nylon flaps can be secured over the wind screen in the even of rain. And they can also be hung over without any tethering so that the can shield those inside from rain while still not impeding air/wind. We can customize the shelter in many ways, with logos and lettering, available in nearly any color. Contact us and we'll even show you how your program can get one for free! You won't believe how easy it is!
Most of the country is going to have terrific weather this weekend. Cool fall temperatures and sunny skies will be the norm. Get up early, before football starts and take a walk, throw football, get in a game of golf, or watch your kids score a few goals in their soccer games. Have a great weekend everybody!
We're eager to tell you all about a great new program we've developed for high schools and colleges, but we're not quite ready. Just a teaser, it will provide your team with a tremendous home-field advantage and we know you'll want to be part of the program. Stay tuned! More details to follow!
Now get free shipping on any RUDE American bat purchased on Upstart Sports! RUDE American bats are the MOAB (Mother of All Bats) and are 100% made in American. You will love your new RUDE American bat, but opposing pitchers and coaches will hate it.
We may have forgotten how much we missed football until this weekend. Two more games tonight round out the first week's schedule. Between college and pros there were tons of upsets, near-upsets, twists and turns that helped us remember just why fall is our favorite time of year!
Thursday, we told you about the new Little League age change rule. We've been looking at articles written online and have seen a lot of comments from people who are complaining about the new rule. Most of them are folks whose children were born in the May - August months and will be go from age 11 to age 13 when the rule takes effect. Here are a few below:
You forgot to mention that the kids born between 5/1/05 and 8/31/05 lose their 12 year old season. Totally ridiculous and unfair. They really messed that up I agree with you! They should have made the rule start with T-Ball kids and progress accordingly. HUGE mistake by LL and very lame!!! What about the 2005 birth year from May-August? Those kids are being left out in the cold with no where to play their senior year. Yes, my son is caught in that trap. This is a horrible ruling. What do you think? |
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